Indonesian Pangasius participated in Hajj and Umrah Exhibition held by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was held in Balai Nusantara, the Residence of the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Jeddah on 24-26 January 2019. The event was held in efforts to improve the quality of products and services for Indonesian pilgrims whose numbers continue to increase.

“We invited the Hajj and Umrah stakeholders, starting from the hospitality, catering providers, importers, Indonesian product distributors and several exporters from Indonesia.” said Indonesian Consul General Jeddah, Mohamad Hery Saripudin.

There was 32 institutions and producers from Indonesia participatedin the exhibition. And more than 200 stakeholders attended the exhibition. “We will bring them together in this exhibition,” Mohamad Hery Saripudin.


Indonesian Pangasius will be on demands
At least, the pilgrims will have 75 meals (not including breakfast) during the Hajj ritual in Saudi Arabia. Based on the evaluation of the previous year, there were still Hajj catering providers who served the meals without Indonesian products with the reasons of product unavailability.

In that occasion, General Director of Hajj and Umrah of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Nizar Ali, gave instruction to the Director of Hajj to make Indonesian pangasius  as mandatory in tender process for Hajj catering.